Metallica = Asshat

UPDATE: At least according to the band, their managers are the clueless asshats. I think they need better management. I haven’t nominated an asshat for awhile, then I came across this little tidbit. And no, this doesn’t involve some sort of draconian fan-stomping over who should pay for what. In Read more…


Occasionally you discover that the time is just right for something. Things just bubble up in the common consciousness, suddenly bombarding you with some concept or image that pervades the ether and suddenly you’ve discovered that collective humanity has crossed some cultural Rubicon and it becomes literally impossible to imagine Read more…

Latest videos I have found

Mixed bag today. This one is from the Smart Bitches, and is entitled the “Engineers Guide to Cats.” Of course, that was nowhere near strange or disturbing enough to live up to some of the stuff I’ve posted before, so I will follow that up with some seriously WTF nightmare Read more…

The internet is a stupid place

I just caught two rather synchronous internet implosions in rather quick succession. Both are object lessons in how the internet doesn’t care what you really meant. The one implosion happened from a post on Tess Gerritsen’s blog that inspired a incredulous response on the Dear Author blog. Which is sort Read more…