Book (un)Covers

Writing and trying to hawk Wolfbreed to agents (news coming on that score, stay tuned) has made me more aware of the growing genre of paranormal romance. I’m seeing it everywhere now, and I noticed something on my last trip to Borders. Now, as you’d expect, if the sexy undead Read more…

O frabjous day!

Ladies and gentlemen, Wolfbreed is complete! I finished the last scene on Friday, and I’ve spent the last two days running through the draft, doing tweaks and copy-editing. The second draft is officially done. (OK, if you’ve followed the blog and my counters it is draft 1.5) Even better news: Read more…

Plagurizing is Stoopid too

Another story popped up on the web from our favorite Kent, Ohio serial plagiarist sheriff’s detective. Two thoughts occur to me. One: Why is it that he has heard of e-mail, but not spell-checking software? Quoth the article: When Herman was caught last fall, he confessed his plagiarism in an Read more…

We have a novel. . .

I just crossed the 70K threshold. Wolfbreed has officially crossed (my) minimum threshold for novel length. While there’s still 30,000 words left to reach my initial estimate, the word-count is no longer my barometer of completion. We’re at the point where the story is going to determine when it is Read more…

Plagerizm is Stoopid

From the Edmonton Journal, we have the story of a Kent, Ohio police officer, Det. Jack L. Herman, who was quite a thief, apparently buying a series of Canadian plays and slapping his name on them. A blog post has an extended transcript of David Staples’ interview with this literary Read more…