First lines

I wrote an earlier post about starting a story off, and today (via Lynn Viehl’s blog) I discovered the One Sentence website that “is about telling your story, briefly. Insignificant stories, everyday stories, or turning-point-in-your-life stories, boiled down to their bare essentials.” In other words, one sentence long short stories. Read more…

Rewrite Done

Well, I’ve gotten through most of the editorial rewrite of Wolfbreed #1 (Yeah, I know, but I just e-mailed Anne a bunch of title ideas) and I’m going to go over copy-editing type stuff this weekend and hopefully send out the final draft to her and Eleanor by Monday. Most Read more…

Spam followup

Well, the annoying spam-meisters who’ve been peppering me with ads for self-published books have ended up on the radar of Writer Beware. I should point out that if your publicist spammer includes in their subscriber list harvested emails someone who works to publicize nasty scams that target neophyte authors (i.e. Read more…