No Intelligence Allowed (I’ll say)

You may have heard about the move Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed which apparently exposes the vast conspiracy of the scientific establishment to keep “Intelligent Design” from being taught in science classes alongside Evolution. This is sort of like the Yankees making a movie bemoaning the NFL’s conspiracy to keep them Read more…

GLoLw Cat

Now, some breaking news from those wacky Korean scientists: Of course, these genetically-engineered fluorescent cats were created to deal with the epidemic of fluorescent mice.

LOL is Win!

Wo hoo! I won Scalzi’s LOLCreation contest with the following entry: If you’ve read my earlier post on Science Religion you probably know why, though I’m respectful of people’s belief systems, I find the concept behind the Creation Museum eminently mockable. Here’s the point: Faith = The belief in a Read more…

Singularity Happens

L. E. Modesitt, Jr. wrote a long post on his blog on why he believes the singularity won’t happen. [via SF Signal] According to Modesitt, it won’t happen because such visions are based on technology, not on humanity and they’re based on a western European/North American cultural chauvinism. He goes Read more…

Toads Go Boom. . .

Ok, this BBC Story is scary and funny at the same time. Thousands of the amphibians have died in recent days in a pond in Hamburg’s Altona district, with their bodies swelling to bursting point. The toads’ entrails are propelled for up to a metre (3.2ft), in scenes that have Read more…

Politics + Science Addendum

The Union of Concerned Scientists has published a guide that serves as a good counterpoint to an earlier post of mine about the ugly interaction between politics and science. The only problem is that the examples are U.S.-centric and post-2001 so it’s a little lopsided (i.e. the current American bureaucracy Read more…

Science + Politics = Crap

Ok, I just heard the phrase “debate on global warming/climate change” one too many times. You have three guesses on exactly what pisses me off about that phrase. If you want a hint about what’s ticking me off, I’ll quote myself from my ScienceReligion post: “Science is observable fact. Period. Read more…