Some following up. . .

I posted earlier about how we needed new models for an Intellectual Property economy. On John Scalzi’s Whatever Blog there’s a thread that goes into the specifics of an existing rental model that seems to work. I also had some thoughts about the economy of Second-Life and MMORPG’s in general, Read more…

Plagurizing is Stoopid too

Another story popped up on the web from our favorite Kent, Ohio serial plagiarist sheriff’s detective. Two thoughts occur to me. One: Why is it that he has heard of e-mail, but not spell-checking software? Quoth the article: When Herman was caught last fall, he confessed his plagiarism in an Read more…

Plagerizm is Stoopid

From the Edmonton Journal, we have the story of a Kent, Ohio police officer, Det. Jack L. Herman, who was quite a thief, apparently buying a series of Canadian plays and slapping his name on them. A blog post has an extended transcript of David Staples’ interview with this literary Read more…