It’s Here!

ADDENDUM: Not only does the book come out today, but John Scalzi decided to post my contribution to his Big Idea feature today as well. Other than a sprained ankle, today is made of win. Prophets officially goes on sale today.  Also, in addition to my copies showing up, I Read more…


Well I went through and polished up the draft of Heretics and it is now of with the editor so I can breathe a big sigh of relief and start work on my next project, the as-yet-unnamed book 2 of the Wolfbreed series for Bantam.  So we’re going from apocalyptic Read more…

Two down, one to go.

Just wrapped up the draft of Heretics, YEA! Something over a hundred thousand words of epic destruction as I continue in my apocalyptic deconstruction of the Hostile Takeover universe. I’ll be doing some fixing up of the draft this week (a few retroconned scenes here, some backfill there, epigrams everywhere) and should get a copy off to DAW by Monday. Doesn’t mean I’m done with it, for good— I always have editorial revisions— but I’ll be done with it for now.


Shifting Gears

Been doing this writing stuff as a pro for the past sixteen years or so, and I’ve discovered one thing that just never gets any easier.  Now it may look like, occasionally, I’m doing several things at once.  That’s never really the case, you can’t really write two things simultaneously.  Read more…

Over the Hump

Just a little small celebratory post, I’ve passed the halfway mark in both the Apotheosis trilogy and the current book Heretics. Which, since this is the middle book of the trio, it sort of makes sense both milestones would coincide. Yesterday the Hamsters eviscerated another 20K of this draft and Read more…