Pages: 448 pages
ISBN: 0756405661
Publisher: DAW Books Inc.
Publication Date: August 4, 2009
A decade after the Portal opened a gate between Cleveland, Ohio and a universe of mages, elves, and dragons, reporter Kline Maxwell works the political beat for the Cleveland Press and does his best to avoid “fuzzy gnome” stories.
However he cannot avoid the fantastic creatures that have invaded his home town. In Dragons of the Cuyhoga he finds himself investigating the possible murder of a supposedly-immortal dragon, and in The Dwarves of Whiskey Island, he finds that the dwarves from the other side are more than just blue-collar support for a pro-union city councilman.
A good energetic mystery, with a complicated plot and lots of chasing-down-the-leads fun.
—Cleveland Plain Dealer
Very well done contemporary fantasy.
—San Francisco Chronicle