No contest here. It is one thing to say something so idiotic that it tears a hole in the fabric of the universe, or to be so oblivious to your own failings that you apparently inhabit your own Bizzaro World where the most logical form of defense is to pound on your own skull with a hammer until the pain goes away. It is quite another to drag the entire world economy along with you into la-la land.
At one point, Al Greenspan was a veritable demigod, his every word worshiped by the shamans of Wall Street. All this for the innovative realization that encouraging people to borrow more, encouraged them to spend more. Thanks to him we had a roaring economy based on consumer credit. Apparently the idea that the lenders expected their money back never occurred to the magic little gnomes at the Fed.
All this makes the guy an evil bastard. What makes him asshat numero uno for all of 2008 was the statement he made to Congress that said, in essence, that he was shocked that someone had realized that they had to get someone to pay all this shit back. The man is the Pavel Jerdanowitch of the global economy, a closet Marxist running a decades-long personal episode of Punk’d.