2019 will mark a couple of significant changes in the writing career of S. Andrew Swann, prompting me to offer an ARC giveaway.
The first major event, unfortunately, I can’t really talk about. All I can say is that it’s a very exciting opportunity! The people I’m working with have their own publicity machines, and I shouldn’t get out ahead of their announcements. Stay tuned!
The second event I can talk about. I’m officially going indie, or at least hybrid since I’m going to keep having stuff traditionally published by DAW Books. I’ve taken my book Teek, which has been out of print for a decade, revised it, and put it up on Amazon to go on sale October 15th. There will be an e-book and a paperback edition. Most importantly, it’s being released under my S. Andrew Swann byline. I’ll be releasing more of my back-list this way over the coming year. Look for Omega Game, Stranger Inside and God’s Dice in the future. The hope is that, by the time the project I vaguely referenced above is complete, I’ll be releasing original work, as well as my back-list. (One of the new things I may put out is that unsold novel I was talking about here a few years ago.)
If you want, you can actually help out with my journey as an indie. I’m putting together an ARC team of avid readers. If you join, you get an advance copy of the new version of Teek and, in return, you agree to put up an honest review on Amazon once Teek goes live. You’ll also get on my ARC-only mailing list so you’ll get reminders when the book goes live on Amazon, and notifications when I do this with future books. If you’re interested in the ARC giveaway, drop me an e-mail at author@sandrewswann.com.
1 Comment
Geoffrey A. Landis · April 12, 2020 at 9:26 pm
I loved Teek; I’m thrilled to see it will be back in print.
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