Sometimes it’s so frigging blatant.  One of the ugliest parts of repressive regimes of all stripes is the fact that the State gives up upon the rule of law, and begins operating by fiat.  Please those in power be rewarded, displease them and be punished.  According to the Washington Post, we are well down this road.  We know how those evil AIG capitalists received evil bonuses made of the blood of sacrificed Christian infants.  Bonuses became the new child porn, just touch it and your soul is damned by a vengeful Andrew Cuomo.

Breaking news, if Obama’s Treasury Department likes you, they think all those pesky rules Congress passed (otherwise know as the law of the land) need not apply.  We should just be able to give blank checks to the “good” companies and let them bonus away:

The Obama administration is engineering its new bailout initiatives in a way that it believes will allow firms benefiting from the programs to avoid restrictions imposed by Congress, including limits on lavish executive pay, according to government officials.

This makes the populist pandering over AIG even more repulsive.

Categories: politicsrants


Soupy · April 6, 2009 at 9:01 pm

I enjoyed your rant. All I’ve heard for weeks is bonuses, bonuses, bonuses, yet your rant seemed fresh. My hat is off.

S Andrew Swann · April 8, 2009 at 10:00 pm

A lot of people get pissed one way or another, but don’t go a step beyond the initial point of offense. . . Just about anything in government, if you dig a little deeper, gets a lot worse than it appears of the surface.

Genrewonk » Sure they’re scum and broke the law, but what’s in it for me? · April 14, 2009 at 8:30 am

[…] Timothy Morrison, from the Indiana Attorney General’s Office. You might think with my ranting about AIG bonus witch-hunts and such that Mr. Morrison might be guilty of making some grandstanding proclamations about […]

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