Ok, I get it, everyone was surprised, and you all are a little freaked out. I understand that. But since a lot of my friends are Democrats I thought I’d offer some advice so you don’t join the collective stupid which is the interwebs and argue your points with a modicum of sense.

Advice the first: Do not say “Palin is a stupid play for Hillary supporters.” That little bit of rhetoric displays a particularly large missing of point: Palin is a play for the Republican base, precisely where the McCain campaign was hemorrhaging, directly away from Hillary. It’s also such a patently stupid idea that it shows the speaker believes Identity politics trump any and all other political considerations.

Advice the second: It may be legit to bring up the issue of Palin’s experience. But it is also probably not in the interest of the Democratic candidate to have experience become a dominant issue in the campaign. Obama supporters complaining about the Republican VP’s lack of experience is akin to McCain supporters complaining about the Democratic VP being an old white guy who’s been in Washington forever. Not a great idea to constantly remind everyone of your own candidate’s primary weakness.

Advice the third: “OMG she’s an anti-abortion conservative!” Uh, people, can anyone tell me the last pro-choice liberal that was nominated on the Republican presidential ticket? I thought so.

Categories: politicsrants